Unsuscribe from Asana

Please I need to unsuscribe.

This is unclear. Are you talking about Asana (the tool) email notification? Or Asana (the forum) email notifications?

Sorry Im talking about the tool, I’m not sure how to do it.

I´m not sure how to use the tool,


Hi @Maria7 and welcome to the Forum :wave:t3:Just wanted to add to @Bastien_Siebman post!

If you’d like to cancel your Premium account you can either follow these steps or contact our support team. But before leaving us, I’d like to recommend a few resources that to help you and
your team to adopt Asana:

  • The “Getting Started” article from our Guide which I recommend keeping in an open tab when starting to work with Asana).

  • The Asana Academy (where you can find a ton of training and videos to learn about Asana.

  • And of course, if you have any specific question, you can search for an existing conversation in the this Forum or create a new thread in our #tipsandtricks category.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions!

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