Understanding the Asana pricing

Hi @Elizabeth_Ratze

Comment only is not available for free accounts, you need to be at least Premium.
In Premium you’re also able to set private projects.

An organisation would allow you to create teams. But you need to have a mail domain associated to the org, you can’t use a gmail address for instance.
If you have one domain, then only people having address from this domain will be considered as real members. That means that if your org is Premium, you will pay only for those accounts, all guests will be free.

Buying 1 licence is impossible, you have to pay for at least 2 …

Hope this helps


I was just charged $599 for Asana. I have nobody on my team. Only projects that I assign my clients a task. How can I rectify this.

Hello @Tanya_Armstrong, and welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

It sounds like you have upgraded your Workspace? Maybe to premium based on the price?
And since the minimum to get are 5 seats this is what maybe happened in your case, even if it just you are using it. Since we don’t have full insight into your account I recommend to reach out to Asana support and they will be able to assist :smiley:

I just ran into this issue head on and now have to pay double when we really just need a single additional seat. The way the pricing page outlines plans is extremely misleading!

A two-seat minimum is available now, right?

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Yes but if you are at 5 and want 6, you pay for 10 :grin:

Huch you are right, thanks, totally missed this update.

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I still don’t understand why you have to pay for 5, when you want a new user. It’s not fair.

Services like Everhour calculates for each member always.


Any update on getting a Solo Plan? Looking back through posts, it seems like this has been something users have been asking for for years now…

No news on that front.

Hello - I’ve read though this thread and it has helped me understand some of Asana’s pricing structure.

I’m part of a very small organization considering using Asana. We really want the ability to create custom fields, so we will have to pay for Premium. We have 2 core team members that need to do this, so I’m glad that we can now purchase just 2 seats at that level.

I have a few what if questions:

  1. Let’s say our organization has three teams and I am on all three teams. However, one team doesn’t need Premium can can just stick with Basic. The other two teams need Premium. Would I have to pay for my seat twice on the two paid teams?

Team A: Person 1, Person 2
Team B: Person 1
Team C: Person 1, Person 3, Person 4

Only Person 1 and 2 need access to Premium features. Would like Premium features on Team A and Team B projects, without paying for Premium for Person 3 and 4. Team C does not need Premium features. Is this possible?

Trying to wrap my head around paying by team vs. by user.

  1. Is there a way for someone within our domain (i.e. not a Guest) to have viewing access without paying for a Premium seat? This person ONLY needs to view the progress, not interact with the project.


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Hi @Katie_Jacobsen and welcome to the forum,

You should contact Asana Sales to discuss this with them further, for two reasons: first, it’s a complex enough set of interrelated questions that we’re not going to be able to fully give you accurate answers here, and also, the only way to get a team (or teams) on Basic and another team (or teams) on a paid plan is to have Asana Sales set that up for you.

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Absolutely ridiculous that you charge in blocks of 5.

So if we plod along at 5 users, but then the 6th user costs us the same has having 10? Really poor customer experience, and obvious greed on this one. On what planet is this reasonable?


They have a 2-user minimum now - which is still pricy in some ways when you look (and compare) offerings to other platforms. I am hoping they add some of the Business features (like goals and portfolios) into the premium plan if even in a limited capacity. I would really appreciate that as an individual, as would many others using the platform I’m sure.

Of course everyone would love it but that would make the Business plan less appealing :grimacing:

I can understand that perspective, but I still think they would benefit as well from working on a more ‘middle-ground’ plan. We shall see!

Same here. It’s a big, pricey jump from Premium to Business. A jump I’d like to make but can’t justify.


@Richard_Sather thanks for recently pointing towards this post. Did you have a chance to read it yourself? I’d love a fresh pair of eyes to make sure it is still 100% accurate. @Arthur_BEGOU would love yours as well.

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Hi @Bastien_Siebman , I had skimmed through it a few months ago and seemed up to date.
Just a few points below, in case you want to give it a little polish…

The annual plan basically works out to paying for 10 months instead of 12.

According to the guide, the 15 member limit for a Basic Plan applies to Workspaces as well as Organizations, whether they are members or guests.

You mean the Admin Console, right?


Asana misrepresents their offering EVERY SINGLE time they mention $10.99/month. That is totally false and misleading. There is no way to get Asana Premium for $10.99/month.

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