Team Planner Template

Hi, I would like to develop a team planner using a calendar to display the multiple projects my team are all working on. Is there a useful Gantt chart templates I can use? Can anyone share useful templates or examples?
Thank you!

Hello @anon36600273!

If you operating on a Premium license then you have access to many Custom Templates to choose from. Here is a snapshot showing the various types and a handful to choose from.

You might also check out as there is a library of templates there as well. Templana pre-dates the launch of Custom Templates in Asana so not all the same features are supported.

As for your specific use case, you might find the Portfolio feature (requires a Business license) as useful if the variety of projects that the team is working on are actual Projects in Asana. Within portfolio you will have access to a timeline (not a true gantt view) as well as a Progress tab to report the status of each project.

If the projects your team is working on are actual Tasks in Asana then you could display the work from the Calendar view of a project which showcases the planned work (tasks) to be conducted.

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