Team and Project Name Duplication Problems With Team and Project Conversation Email Address (Warning

I forgot to mention also that when constructing the email address for Project Conversations and Team Conversations Asana does not recognize special characters, so better not to use. Per Support “This is a list of special characters not recognized by our system:
! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , – . : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ { | } ~ If you create a project called "Test with ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , – . : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ { | } ~ special characters” you will see that the email address will be “” All these characters are rejected by our system. " Just keep this in mind with your naming conventions.

On another subject I consider it a tremendous resources we have in @Alexis and @Katie because they always have an attitude of help and ideas, if we bring up something that is a bug we know that they are passing it to the proper team for consideration across what I imagine are 100’s of requests. I think heavy users can help identify ideas while Asana provides their product to a huge number of people for free (15 members). This is one of the most generous policies that exist in collaborative software that has any substance to it. Thanks