Task more on Mobile! Asana Updates for iOS and Android

Today our team announced updates to the Asana mobile experience on iOS and Android just in time for the holidays. :blush:

  • Updates for Android include Team pages for team management within the app, Profile pages, and In-Apps search or searching on Google and seeing your Asana results, too.

  • New features on iOS include 3D touch, which gives you a list of options when you hard press on the Asana app, and Inline task creation when you press enter (just like the web app) .

Inline task creation would have to be my personal favorite since I used to regularly find myself wanting to press enter to create a new task. Clearly I’m excited! What do you think is most engaging thing on this list? Do you see yourself using mobile differently with these additions?

would be great if the mobile app could display notifications of each task separately on the time defined by the user to start the task. right now all tasks for the day pop up at 00:00 and that’s it. Thanks for this awesome platform!!

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