Task in Project does not show in "My Tasks"

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
The “My Tasks” is essential to managind one’s time across multiuple projects.
The “My Tasks” page does not show tasks created in a project.
This is a critical use-case

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a project
  2. Create a task in this project and set a due date
  3. Go to “My Tasks” and sort by due date.
  4. Notice there is no evidence of the new task.
    Browser version:

Upload screenshots below:
I can see nothing and no place that allows an upload.
There is no ‘below’. I am at the bottom of the screen and this input window.

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Welcome, @Douglas_Almquist,

You didn’t mention that you assigned the task to yourself so maybe that is the issue. My Tasks will only show you tasks for which you are the assignee.

Hope that helps,



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