Feature Update: [Bundles] “Draft & Change Tracking”
Hello everyone!
I’m excited to announce that you can now easily create drafts and track updates made on your bundles. To learn more about this new update, read below:
What’s New?
Two Versions of Bundles: Bundles now have an active/published version and a draft version. This dual-version system aims to minimize confusion and helps you work on drafts without affecting ongoing projects.
Publish When Changed: Going forward, you can only publish a bundle when there are changes made in the draft. This highlights the difference between active and draft versions.
Reminders & Alerts: If you have unpublished changes, you’ll see reminders to keep your project workflows up-to-date.
Last Updated Timestamp: Now shows when last updated, with a reminder to apply changes.
Bundle Status Banner: A new banner will appear to indicate if you need to apply changes or fix errors.
Clean UI: Irrelevant messages and icons will be hidden when no changes are in the bundle.
Roll out:
This update will roll out gradually starting Sept 4. Providing all goes to plan, it will be available to all Enterprise users by Sept 15