Standardize and scale processes across teams — with workflow bundles

:star2: Feature Update: [Bundles] “Draft & Change Tracking” :star2:

Hello everyone!

I’m excited to announce that you can now easily create drafts and track updates made on your bundles. To learn more about this new update, read below:

What’s New?

  1. :arrows_counterclockwise: Two Versions of Bundles: Bundles now have an active/published version and a draft version. This dual-version system aims to minimize confusion and helps you work on drafts without affecting ongoing projects.

  2. :memo: Publish When Changed: Going forward, you can only publish a bundle when there are changes made in the draft. This highlights the difference between active and draft versions.

  3. :bellhop_bell: Reminders & Alerts: If you have unpublished changes, you’ll see reminders to keep your project workflows up-to-date.

:camera_flash: Screenshots

:star: Last Updated Timestamp: Now shows when last updated, with a reminder to apply changes.

:star: Bundle Status Banner: A new banner will appear to indicate if you need to apply changes or fix errors.

:star: Clean UI: Irrelevant messages and icons will be hidden when no changes are in the bundle.

:rocket: Roll out:

This update will roll out gradually starting Sept 4. Providing all goes to plan, it will be available to all Enterprise users by Sept 15