Sort and filter project by multiple fields (Due date and assignee for example)

Lots of different use cases here, so Filter and Sort by any (non-comment) field should be added to all View types (List, Board, Calendar, Timeline etc) at the earliest, since as has been remarked, this has been basic functionality in many similar online tools for years. For my part, adding these features to the Timeline would make it super useful as right now I’m having to work around that gap, which is wasting time. Thank you.

Within a Section called Scheduled, I want to sort tasks by 2 fields: “Required for launch” (Yes/ No) and then “Priority” (High, Medium, Low).
Is that not currently possible?

Haha, now i want a third sort! “Task Progress” :grimacing:

@Emily_Roman one more comment. :slight_smile:

The sorting should not just be for 1, 2 or 3 categories. Sorting should be available for all/any number of fields in the project. So if there are 7 columns, and we want tasks sorted in following sequence:

    1. Progress State
    1. Assignee
    1. Due Date
    1. % Completion

it should be possible to do so.

So to describe a use-case:

  • I want to see all tasks under ‘In Progress’, ‘In QA’, ‘Ready to Go-live’ etc. together. So I’ll sort by Progress State.
  • Then within that, it will sort based on Assignee. So tasks under each Progress State are grouped by Assignee
  • Next I want to see the tasks based on Due date.
  • And Lastly I want to see % Completion sorted in Descending order. i.e. Least completed task at the bottom and most completed on the top, so that we know which work is almost done and can be closed ASAP.

Thank you.


It would be great if you could sort your tasks by multiple fields. I currently have about 5 different fields like “Priority,” “Client Name,” and “Scope.” My team often has over 50 tasks in a single project so being able to sort via multiple fields would make it much easier to filter out what and how my team needed to priorities their tasks.

I know that you can sort by a single field and also filter what you see, but is this “Multi-sort” feature something that might role out soon?

Hi @Jack_Foley. Welcome to the forum! I (and many others), agree with you recommendation which is not yet possible. There is already a product request here where you can upvote Sort and filter project by multiple fields (Due date and assignee for example) Note: I actually like your title better! @Marie or @Emily_Roman can you move this over…thanks!

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Thanks @Bernie_Orelup! I’ve merged these posts and slightly edited the title of the main thread too :slight_smile:

Hi @anon41024217, thanks for sharing this use case with us! I’ll bring this up when we have meetings about custom fields with Product to make sure we keep this conversation open and continue to evaluate solutions. We’ll be sure to post an update as soon as we have one!

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I’m writing this Product Feedback post to request an update in Asana for how projects are sorted by custom fields.

Currently, you can only sort a project by 1 custom field, say “department.”

If I have other custom fields in this project, like “customer type,” these fields are not sorted secondly after the primary sort for department has been applied.

For example, let’s say we have 4 departments: operations, marketing, sales, and service.

And, let’s say we have 2 customer types: B2C and B2B.

When I sort the project by department, the custom field “customer type” does not get sorted as well.

This means that although the project is sorted by department, the customer types are scattered in this sorted view versus being grouped together.

There may be a task with the B2C custom field on lines 1, 4, 9, 19… and tasks with the B2B custom field on the lines in between, such as lines 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, etc.

I would like if we could perform a secondary sort so that all B2C and B2B custom field tasks are group together inside of the department custom field sort.

This would help us to keep project further organized and save the fully sorted view as the project default view for the entire team.

I hope that this is something possible to achieve within the system as I think it would benefit many organizations using this platform.

If you have any questions regarding the example provided above, please let me know! I’m happy to clarify anyting.


Hi @anon15302520, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! Thanks for taking the time to share this feedback and use case with us! This is a popular request in the forum and we have a thread on this topic. I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the main thread to centralize feedback. We will post an update as soon as we have any news.

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Any news on this request?


Any updates? It seems like people have been asking for this feature for well over two years. Thanks.


Upvote and add my voice to this request. Should be a core functionality of a task manager to show a prioritized list across multiple categories. My simple example: Priority and Due Date. Lots of frustrating workarounds to display such a list. Download to CSV?

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@Emily_Roman any opposition to changing the name of this #productfeedback to be: Sort AND FILTER project by multiple fields (Due date and assignee for example)?

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I presume any updates to this product would allow users to customize what criteria is sorted first in addition to options to see the data in both ascending or descending order.

Furthermore, filtering by multiple fields on projects would include being able to select the boolean operator of AND or OR.

The ability to save multiple filtered views is critical too… Filter projects by multiple fields (including custom) and save different filter views.

Hey Asana – any updates on this requested feature?

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Hi @Jacqueline_Sargeant, thanks for reaching out! We don’t have updates to share at the moment but this is something our team is planning to implement in the new future. We’ll keep this thread updated as soon as we have more information.


the ability to sort and filter based on multiple fields is imperative. not having it definitely limits functionality

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Hi Team,

I would like to know if there is a ability to filter more than one value in dropdown field. As of now I can select only one option in status field. I would like to select more than 1 option at a time to see tasks with multiple status to be visible on board. Please let me know if there is any way to do this ?