Solution: Create Asana Tasks from "marked text" via "services" on Mac

While being used to the service of OmniFocus, I wanted to create a task from a marked Text (e.g. in Mail or Browser).
Basically you mark the text, press the right mouse button, select the specific “Service” and the task gets created.
Apparently - once you know how - it is quite easy to create such “Service” via “Automator” so therefore I share my findings. Follow those steps:

  1. create an personal access token for the API (
  2. open “Automator” on Mac (e.g. via Spotlight)
  3. select “Service”
  4. once created, select “text” and “any application” on the right top
  5. add an action “Run Apple Script” (Mac Automation Scripting Guide: Making a Systemwide Service)
  6. use my code below as a reference for your own adoption
  7. Save the service e.g. “Create Task at Asana”
  8. mark any text, press right mouse button, select “services”, select “Create Task at Asana” → your task should now appear in your tasks with the marked text in the notes of the task :slight_smile:
    You can also assign a shortcut to this service in OS X via “System Preferences” → “Keyboard” → “Shortcuts”
on run {input, parameters}
set prompt to "Please name the task:"
set dialogResult to display dialog prompt ¬
	buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2 ¬
	default answer "task name"
set theProjectTitle to text returned of dialogResult
set url_text to "curl -X \"POST\" \"\" -H \"Authorization: Bearer YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' --data-urlencode \"workspace=YOUR_WORKSPACE_ID_HERE\" --data-urlencode \"assignee=YOUR_USER_ID_HERE\" --data-urlencode \"notes="
set url_text to url_text & input & "\""
set url_text to url_text & " --data-urlencode \"name=" & theProjectTitle & "\""
set response to do shell script url_text
-- display dialog (url_text as text)
-- display dialog (response as text)

end run

Hope this helps.


Just what I was looking for - but I am getting:

“Expected end of line, etc. but found unknown token.”

at: the ’ at:

Probably a backslash for escaping the quotation mark is missing.
Will check later an confirm.

MatJ, I checked and can confirm, that there is a backslash missing after the access token in my example above. Hope it works now for you.

Pefect! Thanks.

Thank you for taking the time to post this. Do you have a way of programming it so that I can select a file and it gets imported into a new task?

Hi Michael,
Sorry for the late reply. Just saw it now.
The way of “programming” it is Apple Automator (App that is pre-installed by Apple on Mac) → see Screnshots.
You surely also can send files with it to Asana, but I have no experience how to “develop” this.
Best, Frank