Smart deadlines

Feature: Deadlines can’t be made or (at least) a prompt happens on holidays. Ideally these “smart” deadlines" would be roped to the country the assignee is based in, i.e., July 1st is a holiday for Canada, July 4th is a holiday for USA, etc.

Use case: I work on a team that is distributed across two continents and five countries. Additionally, my team works with MANY external collaborators in many more countries. We often set deadlines both internally and externally on days that end up being holidays for our colleagues. This then requires a follow-up as to why all deadlines need to be shifted (usually by the assignee) and then another follow-up by the assigner with the newly proposed deadlines.

Impact: This would substantially reduce the amount of time spent communicating about deadlines and increase the amount of time available to do actual work. Furthermore, it would help us emphasize with our external collaborators, who are in different countries (with different cultures) than us by ensuring that we are at least aware of possible limitations on their time.

An additional (nice-to-have) attribute of this feature would be the ability to turn on and off weekend deadlines for specific assignees. This too should be roped to country as some countries have Saturday-Sunday weekends, some have Friday-Saturday, etc.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Holiday/Leave/Block off time - either as PTO, Holiday, or all day task