Show project on subtask in 'My tasks' view

+1 on this. I’m questioning my method of building projects now - subtasks seem to be pretty problematic. It would be much cleaner to use them, but if the project name doesn’t show up in My Tasks, I’m wondering if they are worth using at all.

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I’m a +1 on this too.

I’ve voted above but I don’t think that that “score” of 119 (at the time I voted) is in any way indicative of the total support for this correction/feature fix. I saw at least one other trail on the same subject which had over 400 (408 TTBOMK!) posts and that trail was closed and (probably correctly) moved/merged into another trail.

At the moment, my No Projects task list in My Tasks is at 190 items vs 50 tasks which ARE associated with a project (for a total of 250 and, Yes, these are all MY tasks and sub-tasks across 11 Current Client projects and 10 internal operations projects). This is, as others have said, unwieldy if not downright disheartening to start every day with :frowning: !

Is there a central place to see all Product Feedback votes and compare counts across “Feature/function Requests”/“Undocumented Features”? That would give me some insight into your relative prioritisation (noting this issue has been on the stacks since at least August 2017 :roll_eyes: !)…

Thanks Asana CS!

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+1 would love this feature

The lack of this feature has me questioning how useful Asana is at all. Please update.

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As I already wrote to your support team, the lack of this feature seems a bug.
Having the associated project also in the subtasks is a foundamental information.
If a person has two different dubtasks with the same name at first look in “My tasks” she/he cannot distinguish them and this can create a lot of time loss.
I cannot understand why you haven’t implemented it yet.


I have staff complaining about the subtasks not showing projects. So, I have to change all the subtasks to tasks so that projects will appear. This is alot for the 10 projects I have set up. I am glad that I didn’t set the remaining 30 projects. :angry:

The revamp of My Tasks should have included showing the Project for subtasks. Right now it only shows for tasks – why would Asana neglect this key piece of info for sub-tasks?? Yes you can click on it to see the parent task and therefore project, but that is not a user friendly solution. Need to see context at a glance.

Hi @anon96948974, thanks for reaching out! As it stands, subtasks do not inherit the Project from the parent task , the only way for them to show under a Project in your “My Tasks” list, for now, is by manually adding them to a Project.

This is a popular request in the Forum, and this feature is definitely on our radar, but we do not have a timeframe to share yet. If you don’t mind, I’m merging your post with the existing thread on this topic. Please make sure you leave your vote there!

Thanks Emily. Is there any logic or reason that they don’t inherit the project? It just seems like a bug that Asana needs to fix.

| Emily_Roman Community Manager
23 August |

  • | - |

Hi @anon96948974, thanks for reaching out! As it stands, subtasks do not inherit the Project from the parent task , the only way for them to show under a Project in your “My Tasks” list, for now, is by manually adding them to a Project.

This is a popular request in the Forum, and this feature is definitely on our radar, but we do not have a timeframe to share yet. If you don’t mind, I’m merging your post with the existing thread on this topic. Please make sure you leave your vote there!

@Emily_Roman I don’t believe that LynnB’s request belongs here. She’s not asking for Subtasks to be “homed” to the parent Task’s Project, and I doubt if she would welcome all the unintended consequences of that (appearing in the Timeline, double appearance in the List view, clogging the Board, etc.). She’s just asking to SEE what Project the parent Task belongs to. Did I understand that right @anon96948974 ?

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Sort of – looking to SEE what project ALL tasks below to (parent tasks & subtasks) in the My Tasks view, screenshot below. I imagine that is also what many others who have commented on this are looking for. That would also allow you to sort all tasks (parent tasks & subtasks) by project in My Tasks, whereas currently if you do that all subtasks go to “No Project” which is not helpful, also screenshotted below.

When you’re working in My Tasks, it doesn’t matter what’s a parent task and what’s a subtask – they’re all tasks assigned to you, and you want to see their context.

I’m not sure what impacts “homing” would have but from what you describe it wouldn’t be desirable to clutter those other views, if there’s another way to show the project for subtasks. Manually adding the project to the subtask is infeasible as I’m sure you can imagine.


I was wondering about the exact same thing as LynnB! It bugs me everyday that I have tasks (= “sub-tasks”) in the list-view without being able to view the respective project(s) they are associated with. What is the point of the list view and the sorting by columns function if not providing clarity at a glance/click?

Ideally, I’d also love to have an additional column in this view that shows me the immediate parent task of a sub-task. That would make everything so much more organized and a lot easier to find! Thanks!

Thanks for the screenshot, Lynn. I totally understand what you’re looking for. It’s logical for 100% of new users to think that…

… if the Task “Build a garage” is part of the “123 Elm St. Rehab” Project, and the Task “Build a garage” has Subtasks including “Dig for foundation”, “Pour foundation”, “Order roofing” etc…

…then “Order roofing” will be a part of the “123 Elm St. Rehab” Project. But it’s not. If I specialize in material ordering, at a company that rehabs dozens of properties at a time, and my company uses Subtasks for this, my task list will look like

Order roofing
Order roofing
Order roofing
Order roofing
Order roofing
Order roofing
Order roofing
Order trusses
Order roofing

…and I will have to click into to each of those to see the project. This makes sense to Asana, but to nobody else.

One workaround it to create a same-name Tag for every Project (“Panda” Tag to go with “Panda” Project), and use that to sort within My Tasks. You can create, save, and regularly check a report that will show you what Subtasks need to have each Tag added. PITA, yes.

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Ok but bottom line, can Asana say whether they will address this? If 100% of new users think it should be that way, why is Asana not responding? I have been totally unimpressed with Asana’s (non)response to user requests & basic updates, while rolling out seemingly frivolous features like video messaging in tasks. Customer service and communication on development at Asana is worse than any software I’ve used.


You can review the history of this forum and draw your own conclusions about the likelihood of Asana making the right choices on new features vs. fixing existing features (or fixing them correctly). Asana has long made it clear that they do not give commitments or lookaheads on these requests.

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Would love to see the Project added to child tasks in the My Task view within Asana…


Hi @Emily_Roman is Asana any closer to working on this and coming up with a solution? I recently convinced a friend of mine to start using Asana and this issue of not being able to see what subtask a project is related to in "My Tasks’ is incredibly frustrating. It looks to have been a request from your clients since 2017 which is 4 years now. Is anyone out there listening?

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@Emily_Roman Please add me to the name. Our company does the same tasks and subtasks for every single project we do. We are just now realizing that your software doesn’t default subtasks to the project they are on. This makes the software useless unless we spend hours logging this into the hundreds of subtasks we have built out in templates.

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Please, add this functionality already! I see people requesting it since 2017 and nothing is being done! I cannot understand why?

I recently onboarded my team on Asana and it was not easy to convince them. Now everyone is frustrated because half of their tasks in My List are not shown to belong to specific projects. This is very, very confusing and will create a lot of problems in terms of project management. We will probably stop using subtasks, which is a shame because the projects will be bloated with too many small tasks.


I definitely share the same frustrations as people posting here, and this is my biggest disappointment (failing to support this seemingly basic functionality) with Asana. We use subtasks a lot because it shows up and nested with the parent nicely, but not able to see the subtasks in other views/filters are support annoying. Especially when a lot of rules and reports assume you have a “project” in Asana.

For those who are frustrated with this, I found a temporary work-around via Advanced Search (you can save the search for frequent use):

  1. Search Bar (top right) → Advanced search → Add Filter → More → Subtask
  2. Selecting “Any” will show both subtasks and parent tasks, or simply choose subtasks only
  3. Add other parameters like Project/Portfolio/assignee etc, like you normally would

Hope this help others, but… No, Asana, it’s not an excuse for you and please add proper support for Subtasks (like normal tasks) ALREADY!