Show Custom Fields in My Tasks View

As the CEO, I oversee a lot of multiple very fast moving, detailed projects at one time. Additionally I have a lot of projects and tasks that I handle personally. I find it challenging to stay on track without using the MY TASKS view 95%+ of the time. However, in the view, the CUSTOM FIELDS are not visible. Please make them visible, as they are a huge part of premium projects.

Since they are visible, I have to create sections in the My Tasks view and resort the tasks into those sections for status. For example: Top 3 for Today, Pending, A Projects, B Projects, Read/Research, Hold. This works as a way to blend two custom fields (priority and status), but there’s not really a good way to add anything else and it’s a lot to maintain.

Most of my team prefers this “MY TASKS” view. In fact, for the majority of their individual projects without collaboration, they do not set up a project at all.

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