We need to be able to share a project - complete, incomplete, date due, date done, comments, etc - with a client outside of our organization via a link without them having to sign into Asana (non-tech savvy clients who aren’t willing to sign up for something they don’t know/use).
Three-dots integration won’t show progress, only the text.
Happy to use another add-on but I can’t find anything that relates to this.
Any help or resources would be greatly appreciated!
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I am the developer of Three-Dots, make sure to share with me your need so I can evaluate the feasability
Hi Bastien,
I’m looking to be able to show the full project list - incomplete, date due and complete tasks (date done) with comments. Its basically the same as ‘comment only view’ but they don’t need to comment and they don’t need to create a membership with Asana. We’re a real estate company and this is for our Pre-Sale checklists where we’d like to send a link to a Seller to monitor our progress as we prepare to go to market.