Sendana Tools-Sendana Add- A Novel Way to Add and/or Transfer Projects and Tasks In Mass

We will release for general public testing probably by end of week or early next week. We decided to add two choices on custom field porting, Port the field but leave empty or port the field with current entry. Here is the flexibility it will have:

1. Create new project from existing project with multiple options within same organization
2. Create new project from existing project with multiple options to an organization that you are a member by authorizing tool in your initial use
3. Add tasks from an existing project with multiple options to an existing project within an organization
4. It has tremendous flexibility but of course will not be rocket fast because using the API
5… You will be able to create as many project, tasks as you want as it will be a CSV file with multiple lines allowing multiple processing.
6… It is a hosted utility
7. Very few entries to add to the CSV file and download either a template for free users or paid users based on features included only in the premium and above Asana plans.

Here is its flexibility)
|Target Team|||SA| Sendana Add|
|Source Project Name|||SA| Sendana Add Demo Project|
|Recipient Project Name|||ACTY| Accounts Payable|
|Copy to New Project|||0=Add Tasks 1=Create new project|
|Task Description|||Y|
|Task Collaborators|||Y|
|Project Members|||Y|
|Other Projects|||Y|
|Due Date|||Y|
|Start Date|||Y| (Premium Accounts)
|Dependencies|||Y| (Premium Accounts)
|Custom Fields|||Y| (Premium Accounts)
|Custom Field Content|||Y| (Premium Accounts)