Send Slack message rule not populating with all my slack channels or colleagues

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
When trying to create a rule that will send a slack message to a channel or person, the Dropdown in Asana isn’t populating with all my channels and colleagues from my Slack workspace. It’s only a select number of channels and people.

Steps to reproduce:
Go to Add Rule
Create Custom Rule
Task Added to Project
Send Slack Message to Channel
Search for the Slack Channel…it doesn’t show up

Browser version:
Desktop App on iMac

Additional Context:

  • my company has a few different slack workspaces
  • I replicated the channel in question with all the same characteristics of the few channels that do show up. Still doesn’t work.
  • I have the Asana app linked to my slack
  • I have the project in question linked to my slack
  • I have the project in question linked to the channel in question

Hi @Jessica_Birenz, thanks for reaching out and reporting this issue. Apologies for the late response! Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce this issue on my end in order to solve it asap, I recommend you to contact our support team so they can have a closer look at your Slack an Asana integration setup: How to contact our Support Team ✉. Please feel free to send them this thread so you don’t need to repeat all the information.

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