Searching by Column in all Projects, Not a Project

We have several projects with the same set of columns: Past Due, In Progress, Waiting, etc. Is there a way to search for all the tasks in all projects that are in a particular column. For example, search for all the tasks in all projects in the waiting column?

Now we are having to create tags that are mirror images of the columns. When we create the task we have to add it to the particular column and add the mirror image tag.

Hi @Julian_C_Gomez,

This is technically possible, but at the moment, you need to manually add each project and select for each of them the column you want to search in (see screenshot below) There is currently no option to automatically add all at once projects that contain a specific column. I was going to suggest custom fields as an alternative but tags could work too!

Hope this helps!


Thank you for the reply.

Is this a search field Asana anticipates adding? Otherwise, we will have, at a minimum, do double enter–add a custom field entry or tag and add a board entry. Respectfully, the hope would be to make one entry and be able to see the task in a particular column on Boards, but also to search across all projects for tasks in a column.