Scrum | From Product Backlog to Sprint Backlog sorting issue

In asana I have a project which I use as product backlog. This product backlog is displayed in a list view. The user stories are sorted by priority in the list. The most important user stories are always at the top.

For each sprint I create a project in Board View in asana. The first column of the sprint is the Sprint Backlog. I draw the user story from the product backlog into the sprint and it is automatically assigned to the first column, the sprint backlog. So far everything is fine.

If I now drag the other user stories from the product backlog pre-sorted by priority into the sprint, asana sorts the tasks into the top column of the sprint backlog. This is wrong because the sorting from the product backlog is confused. Ideally, the user stories from the product backlog must be inserted below the other user stories.

Is there already a solution how to change this?

The first Column of the Sprint is the Sprint Backlog. When i take Task from the Product Backlog to the Sp

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