Returning "team" data for workspaces

Hello developers! Just a few quick updates to share with you on this Cinco de Mayo:

Team data in responses

As some folks may have noticed (thank you @Phil_Seeman for your post), we are now exposing team data in the response for certain API requests. In particular, you’ll now see a team object in the data returned if you specify a workspace when making the following requests:

Previously, we didn’t show the team field in the response body when making these requests. As such, for developers who currently use team to distinguish between a workspace and organization, we recommend using the is_organization parameter moving forward. is_organization returns the boolean value true if the workspace is an organization.

Getting teams in a workspace

Additionally, we have created a new endpoint to allow you to retrieve teams in a workspace (even if that workspace is an organization!):

If your application currently uses GET /organizations/{workspace_gid}/teams to get teams in an organization, we recommend using the new, more flexible endpoint. We’ll continue supporting the previous endpoint for the foreseeable future, but feel free to take advantage of the new endpoint to help you get teams in both workspaces and organizations alike.

Note that you also have the option to get all teams (i.e., those visible to the user) using the request below:

Likewise, we will also continue supporting the organization query parameter for this endpoint.

Since both endpoints support non-organizations, this should give you more flexibility as you build with our API.

What’s next?

Overall, these changes pave the way to allow developers to work with workspaces closer to the way they work with organizations. We intend to make more updates in the future to build consistency and reduce complexity in our API.

As always, feel free to post your comments and questions directly in this thread. Happy developing!