Required Custom Fields before Task Complete

I’ve been hunting around the forums for a solution and not seeing one, so asking directly.

I have several Project-level (not Org-level) Custom Fields which I would like to be populated before a Task is marked Complete. For various reasons, configuring these Fields into a Project Form and making them Required (plus linking the Form to the Custom Fields on the Task template) isn’t desirable. At the same time, other ways at getting at this problem also don’t work:

  • There doesn’t seem to be a Workflow Action or Trigger that can help me find / flag Custom Fields for a Task Assignee
  • Advanced Search only supports Org-level Custom Fields, so I can’t make a Saved search to look for non-compliant Tasks
  • Dashboard doesn’t support something like “filter for value in Custom Field”

Any other options I’ve missed that might do the job?

What does mean “custom field for an assignee”?

You can’t add those fields to the library?

Indeed you can’t make a field compulsory but your approach is the right one: finding non compliant tasks.

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  1. “find / flag Custom Fields for a Task Assignee” means creating a business rule to identify Custom Fields and notify the Task Assignee they need to complete the Custom Field
  2. I don’t want to add my Custom Fields to the overall company library. I work for a very large enterprise and the Custom Fields library is already cumbersome. I also don’t want to expose the Custom Fields to people who don’t know their purpose and who may accidentally misuse them.

This may not be the exact answer you are looking for, but I wanted to share my thoughts. Recently, I have bee using Flowsana.

With Flowsana, and task templates I have accomplished an automation of populating custom fields based on specific users completing their assigned subtasks…

  1. Create a task template with subtasks assigned to the appropriate users, and also creating dependencies on those subtask from the parent task.
  2. Flowsana rules will allow you to populate the submitted form with the template’s subtask.
  3. I am able to set a rule that when the task is no longer blocked, then set the custom field for the user.

This same solution may apply utilizing templates and Flowsana, as you’ll be able to create similar automation, or provide further instructions to your user through the template.

Also, the Dashboard does support custom field filters. On the dashboards tab, select add chart. On the new window, you can select “+ Filter”. Custom Fields is an option selectable.