Request to join a team with no members

I was trying out Asana on my own, and I happen to have a personal domain for my email, so I was given an organization account. I created a few teams and I came across this. Wanting to use Asana for personal things, I followed the instructions in the FAQ to use workspaces instead.

The problem is that I deactivated my account, thinking that I was just leaving the organization. I’ve created my account again and, as expected, I was added back to my organization. What I’m struggling with now is that the teams I created previously have zero members, and I can’t accept my own invitations to them, but I also can’t create new teams with the same names. Is there any way to recover access to those teams, or at least delete them?

Tl;Dr : I have an organization for which I deactivated my account and now have empty teams that I can’t use. Help, please!

Also, I have figured out how to create a workspace now, so that’s one part of my issue solved!

Thanks for the help!

Welcome @nmarier :wave: and thank you so much for reaching out!

Sorry for the trouble here. Please have a look at my colleague’s recommendation on this thread: Cannot Delete Team that Has Zero Members - #2 by Marie. I believe this workaround could help you resolve this issue.

Hope this helps, but feel free to comment here if you have any follow-up questions or if there is anything else I can help you with!

Have a great day Nicolas :slight_smile: