remove users from all projects


we are on a paid plan. is there a way to delete a user from all teams and projects, without going through team by team ?

Hi @Tal, if you’re looking to totally remove this user, you should look into deprovisioning them from your Organisation altogether. You can learn more about this in the following article: Setting up an organization in Asana | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

thanks !
is there a place where i can see all organization provisioned users in one place ?

No worries @Tal! In premium Organisation, Admins can see the full list of members via the Admin console: Admin Console • Asana Product Guide. If you’re using a free Organisation or only have certain teams upgraded to Premium, you will only be able to get a list of members at the team level: How to Create, Join, and Manage teams in Asana | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

Hope this helps!