Project Template assigned tasks show up in My Tasks automatically

As an admin user, when I create a template project with many tasks and assignees, these assignees often confuse the template task for an actual task to complete and will comment on or even mark complete or delete. Ideally if a task is a part of a template project, it would not show up in a users “my tasks” section. I believe this would prevent them from confusing this issue.

This would make template projects similar to template tasks in that the user doesn’t get officially assigned the task until the new project is created from the template.


This has been an ongoing gripe of many users for years. Who knows when Asana will (if ever) address it.


this exactly explains the problem I am trying to solve for in Mar 2023 and this post I am reading is from Jan 2018! Ugh, this doesn’t make me at all hopeful!

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Hi @anon45542998, we are working on this and hopefully it will be available soon! We will share updates in this thread as soon as we have more information :slight_smile:


Hi folks, great news! We have just launched Project Templates 2.0 which resolves this feedback request :clap: Tasks assigned in project templates will no longer show in the Assignees My Tasks :tada:

Check out the full announcement here:
