Project Folders (sub-teams)

Is there anyway to put TEAMS in folders??? I have like 1 client type in 25 teams and it would be great if I can just click “doctors” and it opens up their teams.

Can’t agree more with this request. I’m a Wrike user and love the hierarchy with projects and folders. It’s really what is missing here. It’s the must have feature that makes me stick for now with the competition. Which is sad as pricing here is better :slight_smile:


It would be great if we could “folderize” the proyects. For example in my case we work at a consulting agency so we manage like 80 clients and we run different kind of projects on each one of them. So we need to group all the present and past projects for each client in a folder.

pleaaaaaase do it! Doesnt matter if these feature is on a free or premium plan

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Why don’t you use a team for each client?

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It’s an idea but I have two concerns:

  1. Isn’t too difficult to manage (search, reports, etc) 80+ Clients (usually 10-20 active clients at the ame time)
  2. I’m already using Teams for different roles at my company (consultants teams, admin teams, management teams)
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And if we take a step back, why do you really need to have folders?
Would that work to use the client acronym at the beginning of each project?

(just trying to find a workaround in the mean time Asana does something)

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I also want a project hierarchy as in Wrike or even MS Project. Our projects can have hundreds or even thousands of tasks and can be planned over several months. We need to be able to roll up sub-tasks into a parent task where the end date of the parent task is the latest end date of its sub-tasks, etc. We switched from Asana to Wrike for this feature, and its the only thing keeping the 300+ users we have from switching back to Asana.


Thanks Michael for your feedback. We are looking for a project management software and we have about the same kind of criticity : we follow around 1500 projects every year (around 100 tasks per project) with 500 users.
So we are clearly wandering if we can organize this volume of projects in asana. Somme feedback ?

Hi @David_Kierbel and welcome to the forum!

Just for some general input, I’ve seen Asana customers who have the following approximate volumes:

Users - 15,000
Projects - 6,000
Task per project - 300

Obviously there’s a lot of details “in the weeds” below this which would determine if Asana is right for your organization, but I wanted to at least give you some feedback that your volumes are well under these numbers that I know people have already implemented.


Thanks Phil for this information.
Still trying to evaluate Asana, so you might give me some tips.
How would you organize our projects as we have 2 types of classification : per Brand (benefit, kenzo,…) and Axes (skincare, make up,…). One project manager will follow around 80-100 projects for the couple brand-axes.
(for example, in wrike, you have this folder structure which is quite intuitive to organize the project. After that, it’s not perfect for other things, this is why we try Asana.)

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I’m looping in @lpb who is probably better suited to give you a good response.

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Hi @David_Kierbel, and thanks @Phil_Seeman!

Given that you have hundreds of projects and hundreds of users, I’d certainly want to hear more about your needs and goals before offering any kind of suggestions. Please Private Message me here or click my avatar for other contact info. Or see or




Hi @Marie - I am just wondering if there is any update on this, as this is really a big issue for us and getting wider adoption of Asana across the organisation. Look forward to hearing from you - thanks so much!


Any updates on this subject? This is essential for us to simplify the organisation of our projects. We tried Wrike and their way of organising spaces, folders and projects were amazing. But, we choose Asana for the features and integrations. However, it will be awesome to be able to organise the projects in folders like we can do in Wrike.


Any update on this subject @Marie?

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I’m afraid not @JohanW, but I’m keeping a close eye on it!


I did find out how to get “Teams” which gives me another level to group projects. If you create a workspace as an Organization you can have teams – even with the free version. To define an organization, you will need a company domain e-mail address. If Asana does not recognize it, they can add it for you. Asana Help Center

I also have a lot of projects and would like to organize them in some kind of folder-structure.


There are an unlimited number of reasons to have folders: essentially to organize projects into subprojects depending on the particular needs of the organization.

Here is an example outside of an organization that I am currently struggling with. In my personal workspace, I want to manage projects for my house, my dad’s house, and my grandparent’s house. The most intuitive thing to me to do would be to create a hierarchy like:

  • Personal Workspace
    ** My House
    *** Interior
    **** Living Room
    ***** LR Project 1 - Replace lights
    ***** LR Project 2 - Etc.
    **** Dining Room
    ***** DR Project 1
    ***** DR Project 2
    **** Kitchen
    ***** Kitchen Project 1
    ***** Kitchen Project 2
    *** Exterior
    **** Front Garden
    ***** FG Project 1 - Plant new tree
    ***** FG Project 2
    **** Back Garden
    ***** BG Project 1
    ***** BG Project 2
    *** Utilities
    **** Electric
    ***** Project 1
    ***** Project 2
    ** Dad’s House

    ** Grandparent’s House

That is for something as simple as a personal workspace. Now imagine if I were a professional real estate manager with dozens or hundreds of homes to track projects on. How would I even begin?

Having the flexibility to structure work and related different projects to each other is an essential part of any project management system. I am still struggling to wrap my mind around how to do even basic things like this in Asana. I am close to giving up and moving to something else entirely.


I’d say in your case you can use a mix of:

  • teams
  • projects used as section, like “------Project 2------”
  • acronym in the project name (like BG for Back Garden)