Progress Tab - Filtering out tasks

When I click on the Progress tab for a specific project, it will show me (1) how many overdue tasks I have, (2) how many incomplete tasks I have, and (3) how many completed tasks I have. My question is what if you have resource tasks (meaning tasks that simply hold information relevant to that project and aren’t intended to ever be completed) as well as actionable tasks. The reporting in the Progress tab will always be inaccurate. Is there any way to indicate to Asana to only report on tasks that are assigned to someone?

Hi Logan,

Thank you for your message!

Unfortunately at the moment you cannot filter out certain tasks from the progress tab. You can choose to 1) store all your reference/resource tasks in another project so that they do not appear in your active project or 2) store all your references/resources as sub-tasks on a single resource task. The progress will still be technically inaccurate but only by a single task.

That being said, we realize the above is a bit of a heavy workaround so I took the liberty to move your post to our Product Feedback category so it can be escalated to Asana’s Product Managers.


Hello @Logan_Sheffield,

This is a very valid point. The way I overcome this is by creating one task in the main project board and name it ‘Everything you need to know about this proejct’. I then add all the resources to it as sub tasks. This way, when you do project status and an overview of project tasks, you only have that 1 task of inaccuracy.
I hope this approach helps.
