Premium upgrade - two domains

Hello Asana Team,

Kindly please, advise on upgrading the account to Premium. I created an account under my company domain, but I am working for my client and use domain. The project of my client is upgraded to Premium, my account is not. If I will upgrade my account to Premium will I have a Premium account in both domains?


Hi @anon1465648, welcome to the community forum!

If you also upgrade the Organization, you’d have two plans. One Premium Plan associated to the Organization and one associated to your company domain

You can still work in your clients projects as a Guest and you will have access to all paid features in the project they’re invited to. However, as a Guest you won’t be able to create, edit or delete Custom Fields or search for them using the Advanced Search tool. You will only be able to input or edit the values of existing Custom Fields.

Please find more details of what access you have as Guest in your clients account in this article:

I hope this helps! Let me know f you have any questions.

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Thank you! All clear!

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@Emily_Roman Hi Emily, can you please confirm even I would Upgrade my domain account with a Premium account, I would not be able to work with Premium features (edit custom fields) as a Guest account on my client domain?

Hi @anon1465648, paid plans are liked to your domain and the projects you create under your Organization. You will be able to access paid feature only in the Organization you upgraded. If you are invited to a different space that doesn’t have a paid plan, you won’t be able to access paid features. I hope this helps!

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