Permission issue - "Looks like you need access to this task. Would you like to send a request to the owner?"

Hi folks, thanks for reaching out!

We have received a couple of reports about this issue and our Product Team is investigating the issue further. We will let you know as soon as we have an update. Thanks for your patience!


We are experiencing the same issue in our workspace.

Same issue here.

The images and attachments in the various tasks have also disappeared

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The images and attachments in the various tasks have also disappeared Rebecca

We are also having the same issue. Owners and collaborators cannot see certain tasks.

We have the same issue in our team, some task’s opened with permission screen.

We are experiencing this issue as well.

We are also experiencing this. The only workaround we have found is that even if you can’t access the task you can right click and duplicate it. Everything except comments are brought over, but it’s definitely not ideal and will cause a lot of clean up once this issue is fixed. Also of note for anyone wondering, the mobile app does not appear to have the same issue, we can view everything as normal on the app.


Same for us. Our project team is unable to use Asana effectively since yesterday due to these task access problems

Discovered the same “workaround” just to see the task. Any attachments within the task do not duplicate either, which is problematic when 90% of what I do is based upon access to the graphic elements.

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We are experiencing the same issue. We are using the mobile app workaround to view the task. For attachments, the person attaching should have access to these, so our workaround for these is to email them to the right person. Not great, but at least we aren’t at a complete standstill.

@Rebecca_McGrath, any update on resolution ETA?

Thank you!

This is getting a total BLOCKER.
Such a fundamental issue being open for a day without at least concrete comments (or reply to support ticket) from Asana is concerning.


Hi all :wave: While I don’t have any updates on resolutions timelines as of yet, I just wanted to let you know that our Engineers are working on this as a priority. As soon as I have an update, I will let you know!


Today it seems that all working well for me

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We are not longer able to access tasks that are assigned to us, when we had access to them lat week. Says we are not the owner and don’t have permission.

Hi all! Our Engineers have confirmed that you should no longer run into access issues when trying to view tasks. :tada:

However, for some it may seem that attachments are missing from this task. We’re currently working to resolve this before the end of the week. I’ll keep you updated!


I can access the task now. Thanks!


We seem to be having the same issue at our organisation on some of the projects

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