Only want to upgrade specific users to a business plan

Asana team, would strongly suggest offering some sort of option to upgrade 1 or 2 “Manager” users to a business account to access Portfolios and reporting tools. As of right now it makes absolutely no sense for a ton of organizations to pay that much more per user when only a few people in our organization will ever take advantage of the features.

In addition to this, the lack of updates regarding the update was frankly disappointing (I reached out as soon as it was announced to ask about pricing, and how it would affect dashboards, recieved no concrete answers). The team was kept in the dark until the launch and now told we need to double the ammount we pay to get features we previously had. As someone that has used Asana throughout changes, and recommended the platform to many others, it truly felt like more of a corporate decision than a user functionality one.

I want the platform to be great, the parts are there. Asana is in the business of honest transparent project managment, yet does not apply the same principles to its users. With unexpected dashboard changes, and business model tweaks on the fly. Would love any feedback or assistance on this, what should we do?


Hi @Evan_Pappas and thanks for your feedback. My apologies for all the confusion and frustration here. I’ve shared as many updates as possible in Introducing Portfolios: The mission control center for everything you need to track in your business - #7 by Laura_Johnson; if you want to discuss this further, I would recommend reaching out directly to our support team. Rest ensured that we do monitor closely feedback, and have robust processes in place to process them. You can learn more about it in this handy post.

If there is anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

Hi, is it possible to get Asana Portfolios/Workload for 1 user instead of the entire team?
See Introducing Portfolios: The mission control center for everything you need to track in your business - #226 by Mike_Hoefer
Thanks for updating this.


Hi @Els_Van_de_Veire and thank you so much for sharing your feedback with us. As it stands it is not possible to purchase our Business plan (which includes Portfolios and Workload) for selected users. This plan can only be purchased at the Team or Organization level.

We already have a #productfeedback thread on this topic, so i have gone ahead and merged your post with the existing conversation; hope you don’t mind!

Hi Asana team!

I think it would be very useful if there would be a possibility to only upgrade specific teams (or a specific team) to the business priceplan. For small companies the price increase to upgrade the whole organization is most probably to big (it is in our case). However a lot of smaller companies will find the business functionalities useful. In our case for example it would be fantastic to have access to the marketing-specific functionalities (e.g. feedback/proofing inside asana), but it does not make sense to upgrade our whole organization for this, as only specific employees need it.

Thinking about it - maybe it would also be an idea to implement a specific «marketing priceplan» with those specific functionalities you advertise towards marketing professional.



You can’t upgrade only a team currently? Are you sure? :thinking: cc @Marie

Unfortunately not. Just checked yesterday with support. You can upgrade single teams from free to premium, but not from premium to business.


Hi @Daniel_Frischknecht

If your Organization is with a Premium plan, it’s not possible to upgrade one of these teams to Business, that’s correct. Other than this, it is technically possible to purchase a Business plan just for one team.

Also, bear in mind that in the scenario of a Premium Organization with just a Business Team (for managers and leaders I guess), Business features like Portfolio would only work within this specific Team, which means you could only add to your Portfolio project that belongs to your Business Team.

Hope this helps, but please let me know if you have additional questions!

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Hi Marie

Thanks a lot for your feedback.
If I would purchase a Business plan just for one team it would not be integrated in our organization and it would make the administrative handling of members / guests, etc. more complicated for whoever is in charge of the organization - right?

The more I think about it I think maybe it would be worth to think about implementin a specific «Marketing Price Plan» (or add on) with the things asana advertises specifically towards marketing professionals, like forms & proofing). …or just make those available for Premium customers :slight_smile:



I agree with this, as the only PM at my company I need to be able to report on projects to our CEO. So the portfolios functionality is one which would be incredibly useful for this.

However, we don’t want to upgrade everyone to Business when they only need the features in Premium!


Yes, to all of the people here commenting on adding this feature. I work for a nonprofit and I am experimenting with Asana as a way of managing our daily work. As COO, I want to track the productivity of my directors and managers, but all of the upgraded services are things only I would use daily. I am disappointed that a one user upgrade is not an option since I would pay for this upgrade. Some of us can use this option; and, to be honest, I believe I was told that this was an option by a sales/marketing person at the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference in San Diego this past October–it was something I asked about. Bummer.


Why are there not more votes on this?

ASANA would get more revenue from their whole customer base upgrading only a few seats rather than the longtail of the customers not upgrading any.


Our team (10 ppl) would appreciate upgrade to business, but whole company has hundreds of premium users that don’t need the business features. This is weird.


This is the WORST customer experience from a project management tool. Clearly project managers and Exec Leadership Teams need high level dashboard visibility of multiple projects.- which is why portfolios and workflow views are critical, but rather than make this available, you try and force the organisation to upgrade ALL members (which could be in the hundreds). This would mean more than 4x the cost I am currently paying to have all the team on premium. I am happy to upgrade the 10-15 users that need “business” but I can not justify it for everyone else. This is really poor and either means we need to look at integrations to get the functionality that should sit in the system, or migrate to a different PM tool. Poor form Asana!


+1 for this feature. Any updates Asana Team?

Hi @anon38152531, that’s not something we’re considering at the moment, but I’ll keep you posted here if this changes in the future!

I totally agree it would be super nice to have 3 or 4 people in our company to have the business acces. My boss doesn’t agree with upgrading the whole company for the features needed for only a few. Hope there will be a change to this in the future. The price is not in balance for the upgrade.



I would like to suggest to Asana to implement multi plans billing on a same Teams on Workspaces.

As it is actually design by Microsoft Office 365, i would like Asana to bring the possibilty to assign Premium licence to certain users (Technical users) and Business licence to others users (Project Managers users) who need more features to pilot & organize the team project !

People interested by this granular billing feature ?



That’s the true situation of all of us i guess…
My company is 2 500 users and can’t offer to merge to Business Plan whereas only a few people need all those features (Project Manager & Team owners)…

Asana you must rethink your business model please !
Microsoft Project Online will steal you customers if you don’t do anything on this… please

That’s clearly a sadlly news… you should reconsider your position on this because you will loose customers who will migrate to Project Online which permit this granular licensing… :frowning: