Multiple lists in "My tasks"

Hello. Is it somehow possible to have multiple lists in “My Tasks”? I see there is an “Add Section button” but that is really not a good way of separating lists when you have a lot of tasks. Thanks

Hi @bottlik

My Tasks is just a basic list of every task that it assigned to you. Aside from the native sorting options (incomplete/complete; Project, Due Date), sections are a good way of adding more definition to your list. For example, in my Today section, I have two subsections: ‘On hold’ and ‘Working on now’. It can be as simple or complex as you want.

If you want to start creating lists of your tasks with more precise options, Advanced Search would be a more useful way to go.

@bottlik, if what you’re looking for is “separate lists,” and you can’t do as @Mark_Hudson suggests (either don’t have Premium or your criteria can’t be met with the advanced search form) then you may want to try multi-homing (Add to Project…); when I hear “separate lists” that sounds to me like “separate projects” so perhaps this is an alternative for you.