More consistent Mobile app card coloring in My tasks board view

The color strip on task cards is very misleading in the My Tasks section. For example, in the image I sent I have two colored tasks. One is colored red because it has a red “High Priority” tag. The other is colored yellow because it exists within a project board with a yellow icon.

I would suggest that tag coloring remains the way it currently is, but tasks brought into My Tasks from other boards should display what board they’re from, rather than just the color strip.

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us @Wes_Miravete! As it stands, the color of the task is defined by the custom field, tag or project. I see where you are coming from and that it would be helpful to have an option to make it more consistent. We don’t have plans to update this at the moment, but I’ll let you know if we have any plans in the future.

A good option! It would be more convenient for me, too.