Mark Sections as Complete (in new spreadsheet List view)

Hello Gaia,

you can still batch-mark all of them holding SHIFT (or multi-select holding CTRL/CMD) resolving all of them with one click. Good enough for me. Maybe that helps?

Still, I wish for completing/archiving of sections, too. For celebrating the fact that a good portion of a project is done and cleaning up the list view. That left-over subheading seems to stare at me at times reminding me of the fact, that, at any time, items might come back and haunt me.

I’d like a way to indicate that a Section is complete when all tasks are complete.
I don’t want to delete a section once all tasks are complete. I want to maintain that Section associated with that Project, and to see that the Section was completed.

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Hi @Kathleen_Kurke, welcome to the Asana Community Forum and thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us! You are right, as it stands, it’s currently not possible to mark sections complete. We already have a thread on this topic so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the main request to centralize feedback!

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How can I find the thread you’re referring to? Any way you can give me a link to that forum? Thanks.

We all want that. It’s not currently possible and there is no info as to when or if it may ever be possible.

Thanks for responding.

It would be nice to have a section status field. Or to be able to apply custom fields to a section so you could make a status drop down.

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Especially with the upcoming changes to My Tasks, the ability to mark sections as complete seems like a major shortcoming. In the new My Tasks you create your own private work area with custom sections to help you organize your work as needed. But those sections are going to perform the same as project sections, and either require you to regularly pull tasks out of sections before deleting, or delete sections with all their task history of completed work.


So frustrating that this is still a shortcoming in Asana. Just let us mark sections as complete again, and hide them! This is blocking all of our clients and partners from migrating to Asana, it’s such a small tweak but it’s a major blocker.


Any update on this one?

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I am in need of this as well
 Can we please get an update?

Someone was saying Asana requires so many frequent workarounds for basic expectations, I agree. This is perfect example of that.

My workaround:

Have additional Asana project, you can call it “PROJECTNAME - Closed sections”, once section is complete, you can move it there. You can’t technically move section, you will need to create new section there and move CLOSED tasks.

It will be like graveyard and it will keep original project clean.


I do something similar as well! “Graveyard” is exactly what it is. Thanks for the insight and helping others with a workaround @konstantine_s

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I will say, something that seems pretty crazy about this is that often, a suggestion to getting around Asana’s issues with subtask architecture, is to bring the subtask up into a task. Which, I think would intuitively mean thinking of the parent task as a section. Which now can’t be completed.

I really haven’t run into this issue personally, but I’ve been using Asana with a smaller team. My company now is having me weight in on work management applications and thinking through issues like this is really worrying

I couldn’t have said it better. What you wrote covers 100% what I wanted to write. Thank you. Asana, please sort this out.

PLEASE make this happen. I need to complete Sections and have those moved to an archive that I can reference.

Please see Monday’s structure. They handle it perfectly.

I would like to be able to mark sections as ‘complete’. It this something that might come or if it is already an option -please explain.

This has already been requested so I’m merging your request with another and you can vote at the top of the thread.

I don’t want this to be overlooked, so bumping it. Please let us mark sections as complete.

Is there a way to hide sections that have all of their tasks completed? Ideally this is done automatically but manually would be fine. I have a lot of empty sections showing up in projects once all the tasks are completed that looks messy. It seems like you used to be able to hide sections but this is no longer an option.

Thanks in advance!