Mark Sections as Complete (in new spreadsheet List view)

Agreed, this is getting more problematic every day. Being able to move whole sections to another project incl. their tasks could have been kind of a work-around. We could then create another project for all finished sections and park them there.

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I use Asana for all sorts of things since I manage 3 companies operations - it has been paramount in keeping me organized to be able to do this in the first place.
One of these is a painting company. I have sections based on the month and year for the past 3 years Iā€™ve been here. We might book a project now for two years from now as maintenance and upkeep. I do not want to keep that task for March of 2023 in March of 2020 - or have March of 2019 still sitting there complete but taking up space. Naming the sections only the names of the month would clutter any months view if Iā€™m adding projects that dont happen for years to come. Please bring back marking sections as complete! This is insanityā€¦ really reallyā€¦

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Oh, wow.
Itā€™s 04/2020 and this still wasnā€™t fixed.
Very important feature. please fix ASAP. I have 22 obsolete sections on my main board and getting more and more every time the QA finishes to test a feature\version.
We canā€™t scroll that much and mobile app just canā€™t load all the sections.


This will not complete the section though. We use sections for sprints\versions and Iā€™d like to mark the old versions as completed and hide them.

@Strativepm or @Marie any word from the team on this? It would be great to hear why this canā€™t be done or the rationale for why it wonā€™t be done.


Echo the sentiments expressed by the many power users above . Confused how this isnā€™t done and why this functionality was taken away; I still do this all the time in ā€œMy Tasksā€. As everyone else has said, I want extraneous section ā€œcompletedā€ so they donā€™t clutter the view BUT NOT DELETED. Just make sections completable and add that to the ā€œā€¦ā€

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Just read the above comments and there are 66 users saying this is extremely painful and should be fairly easy to fix. 100% agree with all of them.


Tasks are categorized under sections and when all tasks are complete (and disappear), the only option is to rename or delete the section name. In the archive, I want to be able to look up a task that includes subsections and subtasks, not just subtasks.

Welcome to the Forum @Christina and thank you for sharing your feedback with us!

This is a very popular request in the Forum so Iā€™ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing thread we have on this topic to consolidate votes! I hope itā€™s OK.

Have a great day Christina!

Is there a quick hack or solution rather than waiting for a fully working ā€˜mark section completeā€™ for now? My sections have piled up and created a long list. I couldnā€™t delete the section because all the task inside will be removed as well and there are no ways to track task history

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Hi @Leonarce - I havenā€™t tried this since we are just implementing Asana, but as Iā€™m setting up the framework Iā€™ve been considering creating a separate field with dates like this. Iā€™m using this for note-taking. Then Iā€™m going to either sort or use filters so I see only what I want to see. Again, I havenā€™t actually done this yet, but itā€™s what Iā€™m thinking about doing.

The best workaround I can think of is just to create a new project and start working in that. Leave the old completed sections in the existing project, which you could also rename as ā€œIG Post Completed 2020ā€ or similar. Then the new project can take on the name ā€œIG Postā€.

Thatā€™s all I got. :-o

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I canā€™t use separate field with date because that means if anything changes, I need to individually modify that information in every tasks. Asana only have 1 due date field and the rest are only 3: text, number, dropdown.

Thank you for your suggestion Greer

That could be 1 solution, Iā€™m thinking of quarterly project and archive those once itā€™s all completed and create Q2,Q3,Q4 and so on. Thanks for the idea Stephanie!

My org suffering with this as well. All we would need is a ā€œhide Sections with no active tasksā€ ability. Looking at these: if a new JIRA gets opened and I create a task for it, then the JIRA section would become visible again. Once all are completed though, then it should hide. Having just a junk pile of currently completed sections is a horrible workaround.

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Does anybody know if this is going to become a feature? My organization is now a year in and weā€™re making decisions about what to do with sections. Do we reuse the ones from a year ago? Do we keep building new sections. Any information you ā€“ Asana ā€“ can provide on what you intend here will really help. If thereā€™s a forum discussing this, can you point me towards it?

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Adding an additional vote to this thread ā€“ without the ability to complete sections, my organization is stuck having either an unwieldy number of projects or stacks of subtasks that cause users to lose track of their work. Itā€™s also incredibly difficult to look at a project and understand at a glance which projects are moving forward as they should be. Asana ā€“ any guidance would be helpful.


This is so needed! Iā€™ll refrain from echoing all the excellent points made in this thread.

I agree this is needed. But what I am doing as a workaround is having three ā€˜meta sectionsā€™ in my projects using with the following section titles in capitals:

  • WORKPLAN: for ā€˜liveā€™ sections with tasks in them that I want to do this month;

  • LATER: for non-live sections including tasks for the future)

  • COMPLETED: for completed sections.

This is working quite well.

Are there any news on this and on the Section topic as a whole?
I thought sections would be a lot more flexible than this. Completing a Section would also allow one to complete all tasks underneath said section in one click, instead of having to select them all and complete them.
I found it strange that Asana does not have a ā€œcomplete all task in this Sectionā€ button, as this would help massively.