Mark as today/upcoming/later when in List view

When you are in “List” view, and when you have a task selected but without the “Details” side-pane open, you should be allowed to mark a task as today/upcoming/later with the hotkeys (tab+y, etc.) without having to open the “details” side-pane and then marking its status.

This would save a step of having to open the Details side-pane and then marking a status.

Hi @Paul_Matsushima :wave: and thank you for sharing your suggestion!

If you hover over the task you want to move and click the icon next to the task’s due date you should be able to chose the section you want to move the task without having to open the task pane. You can learn more about it in the following guide article: How to Get Started With Asana My Tasks | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

I hope it helps @Paul_Matsushima :slight_smile: