Invision integration

Can you integrate with invision to get my design projects updated with these 2 services

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You might want to reach out to Invision as well to see if they can build this integration :wink:

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Can you elaborate a bit more on what you’re looking for here specifically?

The same as for github integration.

@Sergey_Kozlov you might want to create a different thread or rename this one :slight_smile:

+1 for InVision integration. They do have Kanban and task assignment

@Bastien_Siebman I’ve taken the liberty of moving this to the #productfeedback category :slight_smile:

+1 for Invision Integration. The “NOTES” of Invision is CLEARLY for me tasks on asana.


Currently missing a trigger to let asana know of a change of status. AKA dependancy

It seems that Invision has no API, therefore no way for Asana or anyone else to build an integration on their own:

Looks like Invision themselves would have to build such an integration.

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