Integration of two separate organizations and separate users

I was recently added as a user to an organization ( Org-01) with email@01
I already have another account with another organization (Org-02) with email@02

I am currently some kind of an interface between the two organizations and my questions are :

1 - Can I ( and how ) have an asana “Home” Screen, tasks and boards that integrates both organizations and tasks for me only but will also keep both organizations opaque and isolated from one another ?

2- with the ORG-01 user - can I see, create , edit ORG-02 tasks, or can I create or bind ORG-03 for example without the admins of ORG-01 knowledge ?

Hi @krembo_ninenine, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

At present, you are unable to view tasks across different Organisations/Workspaces in a single place.

However, we do have an existing feature request which you can add your vote to here:

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