Importing CSV Files

Hi, I posted a while ago about this topic but at the time decided to park Asana.

The problem
I have spent some time creating a template which is awesome however when I go to import all the data c.a. 400 rows things start to go wrong.

For examples sake lets say I have 1 column (400 rows) and lets say it contains number 1 to 10 field type is Single-Select (Dropdown) and each number has a specific colour an assigned.

When I import my CSV Asana doesn’t follow the colour of my template BUT decides to attribute a rainbow of other colours to my numbers, not sticking to what I defined in the template.

So the only way to change this is to manually update the Single-Select (Dropdown) fields after I have imported everything back to how it was in the Asana template.

Please help.

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Hello @anon855384,

importing/exporting colours won‘t work at the moment, see this overview: 🎁 Things you did not know about CSV export and custom fields

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