How to Attach Multiple Files to a Task with Android?

Hello james!

Please hekp me!!!

How can I upload more than one photo or atachments to a task with my android?
I can upload one, but not more.

Thanks a lot.

Welcome, @bb14,

I’ve not seen James for a while so I’ll answer.

I’ve moved your post to a new topic since it wasn’t related to the other thread.

I didn’t have a problem just now uploading multiple attachments on Android, but I had to do subsequent ones after the first differently than the first. See more info below the image here:

For the first attachment I touched “9” but for more you don’t see another empty box like that so instead you click the paperclick icon in the “10” row on the center/left side.

If that doesn’t work for you, then please create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.



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