How many custom fields can an Organization have?

Our Lead User group is in the process of determining our Org’s custom field library. A few questions about Custom Fields:

  1. How many custom fields can an Organization have?

  2. How can I edit / delete my Org’s custom fields?

  3. Who has access to edit /delete the Org’s custom fields?

Hi @AshleyWright :grinning: :wave:

  1. There is no limit for Custom Fields across the Organization. There is a limitation of Custom Fields per Project and Tasks. You can learn more about it in this article: How to Create and Use Custom Fields in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

  2. You can Edit your Custom Fields by clicking on the pencil icon next to the field name to edit the field. You can permanently delete them following these steps:

     1. Click the pencil icon next to the field name
     2. Click  **Delete Field**
     3. Enter the field name
     4. Click Delete
  3. In a Premium Team or Organization, anyone with access to a project can add, edit, or remove its Custom Fields. You can find more information about Permission in the Following article: How to Create and Use Custom Fields in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

I hope this helps! If you want to learn more about Custom Fields, you can read this very handy article in our guide: How to Create and Use Custom Fields in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide. Let me know if you have any follow-up question!

Have a great Tuesday!

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