As you cannot filter Subtasks that have a Tag, I wanted to create a new project pull in the parent task and only some of the subtasks.
It appears this isn’t possible or I’m doing it incorrectly
@Peter_Kitcatt_Wyborn Subtasks are by definition part of the parent task, there is no way to selectively pull in some into another project.
If you can shed some light about the workflow you’re looking to implement I might be able to come up with a solution within the capabilities of Asana.
When you go to “Duplicate Task” there will be various checkboxes you can select for which info you would like to duplicate. You can choose to uncheck the “Subtasks” box to remove those from the duplication process. Hope that helps!
We’ve set up the project as follows
Section - Epic
Task - Feature
Sub task - Story
(I wanted the feature to be a tag, but was told no…)
Under the sub task, we have another sub task - this is for each department required to complete the story and the overall feature.
We’re doing 4 releases, the way it’s been planned and agreed by the client is that some of the features will be in Release 1 and 2. I wanted to create a view just seeing the Release ones - however I’ve noted that you cannot pull in the subtasks only with the tag of Release 1. My current only option is to create the Features into Part A and Part B that way I can tag the Parent ticket, and pull that in that release only.
It’s not the cleanest set up, but we’re working with multiple departments and working within the confinements of Asana.