How can I track the time spent on a task in a column?

How can I track the time spent on a task in a column? I used to Screenful but it can track only free statements: not started; in progress; done. It is not enougth for my goals. I saw this article but it hasn’t answer.
Please help! Thanks!

Hi @anon6914222, thanks for reaching out!

You can use custom fields to manually add and track time spent on each task. We currently don’t offer a native integration for this in Asana but I recommend you checking our list of time-tracking integrations here.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Hi Emily
and thanks for your answer but it isn’t enouth for resolving my issues. I hope that Asana’s team will more refer to this point in the future

Uff … A project management tool which raised millions of $$$ - But they are not able to integrate a time tracking per ticket? In a projectMANAGEMNET tool? rofl … I will use another one :smiley: