+1 We want this feature, please.
I’d also love this option implemented. Maybe even with a list view integration.
Hello, I would like to take a moment to upvote this issue. I have been tracking it for years, and google it every 3-4 months or so. I have also been using Asana for 6 years now and considering moving to another tool because the lack of this functionality and how much additional effort this ads. This is a project management tool, it needs to do project management thing such as help us manage complex set of tasks that are assigned in each specific instance.
PLEASE fix…by the time we make it to 10 years, there will be another company doing this better than Asana and Asana wont have anymore folks asking for this feature.
It’s wild to me that a standard feature of a competitor product is something Asana can’t/won’t do even though its been requested for years. THIS IS SO NECESSARY.
If you use the board view and set your filter to, “incomplete task” the completed subtasks will no longer appear in the UI unless you click on a task to see more details
Let me keep this topic alive. Trello already has this feature for a long time. Only makes sense to add this.
PLEASE! This function is very important! Nearly impossible to work without!
I love the filter ‘show only incomplete tasks’, but it is indeed annoying the tools doesn’t remember this setting. Pfff, makes me a lot less productive.
Welcome, @Lisa_Niehoff,
When you change a filter, save it by clicking the blue dot on the right side of the project header and choosing Save for everyone.
It’s nice to have it in the list and board view. But most of the time our team works in the task view.
And it totally sucks that there isn’t any possibility to hide completed subtasks. Especially when you have abt. 20 done subtasks and need to scroll and click to get to the first open subtask…
Is there a sort option for subtasks so that all the incomplete stay at the top of of the list? Similar to Apple Notes Checklists, when you mark as subtask as completed it moves down below the incomplete at the top of the completed.
Keeping the incomplete ones at the top, would make it so that when you have a long list of subtasks you don’t have to scroll way down and then click show more to see the ones you need to complete.
Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Braeden
I have merged your post into an existing feedback request thread. Don‘t forget to vote (see the purple button at the top of the thread)
New user here. Trying out Asana as an alternative to Trello. Asana was winning me over but this is a deal breaker.
Asana has a lot of useful features, overall. But my main problem is I’m finding the interface too cluttered, despite its clean design and nice colours.
I’d like to hide or turn off heaps off ALL the bits that I’m not using eg comments, project summary, assignee history, and especially completed subtasks. Basically everything that gets in the way of me seeing the most important things, the actual tasks - particularly when quickly checking the app on my phone.
But sadly it looks like there is no hope of these features ever coming, if they haven’t after many years of users asking, I don’t like my chances.
I am probably going to end up sticking with Trello but I’m disappointed as I was hoping I’d found an even better option for my task organisation in Asana.
7 years, 721 upvotes and many comments and there’s still no official word of this being on the roadmap or taken seriously.
The ability to apply filters and sorting subtasks would be such a great feature. I’d like to hide completed and then order them by date.
Any chance this ever gets added?
Votes and years don’t matter since Asana rules is “we don’t share our roadmap”. Just like most competitors.
The only way to know would be to know people at Asana and get access to the roadmap.
That’s a shame. It would be nice to know that they notice features like this that are in demand and are committing to adding them.
@David_Alexander In my view, this is not a feature, this is a bug - what works with normal tasks does not work with subtasks. Filters should be applied to subtasks as well, so this issue is much more annoying knowing that we pay a lot for a buggy software and that this bug was reported 7 years ago.
I’m appalled that a commercial\paid version of a PM tool does not have this, while free ones do.
I just google searched how to only show incomplete subtasks in the parent task and came across this forum post. I cannot believe that this has not been actioned on since the first post back in June of 2017… 2017!!
Boosting for March 2024! Please add this, Asana! Would be so helpful for power users at the task level.