Gmail Addin - "Content not available for this message"

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
For some emails when I click on the Asana Addin I get the message “Content not Available for this message”. If I click to another email I don’t have any issues, but click back to that email and I get the message.

Steps to reproduce:
Some emails will have the error message some won’t.

Browser version:
Chrome Version: 73.0.3683.103
Windows 10

Upload screenshots below:
Message when it fails.

Message when it works.

Hi @Jason_Woods, if the first email is not too sensitive, would you mind sending me a full screenshot by DM?

I’m not sure yet why this is happening, but I’m looking into it :slight_smile:


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Has this issue been resolved?
I have the same issue

Hi @Andy_Willis my original problem seemed to go away and I have bene using it quite a bit since without any issues. Until today… and have gotten the same error again.

Now in both scenarios the email is email version of receipt form an online store, so some sort of emailable PDF. Is the email you are getting the error with the same?

@Marie to add to the bug ticket.


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Hi folks,

Our Dev Team just came back to me, and it appears this is an issue on Google end, so unfortunately there isn’t much we can do on our end… You can learn more about this issue here: Google Issue Tracker