Getting team buy in with Asana

Hi there! I’m a workflow coordinator for our organization and I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out optimum workflows for our various teams. Asana provides a lot of nice features to help everyone stay organized and on track.

The only issue is that it doesn’t work if our individual team members won’t use them. For example, I’d love to help out team with the workload feature, but it only works if each person assigned a task sets how many hours it takes them.

How have you gotten your team on board? How do you work with resistant team members to get them to change due dates, statuses, etc.?

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Hi @Scarlett_Miller, thanks for reaching out!

Making decisions up front about how Asana works best for your team will set you up for long-term success, and help you get the most out of your paid features later on. We recommend establishing team conventions. In the article you’ll also find a section for Task conventions that can be helpful for you.

I hope this helps!