Get familiar with Cal Newport

Great reply, @lpb!

Just so I am clear, the audience of this post isn’t Asana or the countless users that have been around for awhile that naturally adopted a lot of the common practices Cal speaks about. This post is for those that are in search of a deeper meaning to why productivity tools like Asana exist. I, too, have been using Asana since 2012, but I would be lying if I said I used it then like I use it today. I work within Asana with so much more intentionality now. In large part due to the time spent studying works like his.

It’s funny. When I think about the purpose of this tip, I draw correlations to a recent post by @Bastien_Siebman where he emphasizes the value and benefit of an outsider’s perspective.

…sometimes the affirmation that comes from the outside can be very motivating. Whether you are someone who knows Asana well, has engrained yourself in productivity practices, or just simply is looking for some answers… I hope tips like this can lead anyone wherethey want to go! :wink:

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