Get all events for the organization

I am trying to get all events performed on asana to figure out metrics like what the users are using more and how many users are logging in per day etc. I saw that the events api is there but it takes a resource as a parameter. Can you tell me if there is any api for this info.

What do you call an event?

Hi @Arun2, the Asana API isn’t designed to report on every user action in the web product. If Asana’s native reporting isn’t sufficient, I recommend using a 3rd party reporting app. Alternatively, you could build your own reporting app, though there is no endpoint for user logins.

Regarding utilization, premium and enterprise customers can work with support and customer success to see how many seats are being used.

Hi jeff.
What I am looking for is metrics about how many tasks/projects/workspaces are being created/updated/closed. I am looking to get the corresponding events so I can generate these metrics. I also wanted to see what users are accessing everyday.
I tried the events api to get the events on projects, and still working on checking the data we get on it.