"From" Header going to Forged Email Detection Filter

These emails are being sent to our Forged Email Detection Filter because the header contains information pertaining to one of our employees. Why is this populating, please? What causes it, please?

X-Original-From: " Employee Name " reply-613967cffe7fef01dd7886231eb1fafb@asana.com

Thank you!

Hi @Carole_Graham,

To investigate this issue we will need more information and to take a look into the employee account details. Our support team can assist you via email so you can send this information privately.

Please add to your message to support the URL of this forum topic, the employee email address and a screenshot of one of the emails so they can start investigating straight away!

To contact support, follow these steps:

  1. Access asana.com/support
  2. Select “I’m having trouble with”
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Let’s chat”

Thanks for taking the time to share your report!

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Is this this still true tho?