Forms are not working well

Hello :blush:

We have many Asana forms available in our organization. Today we noticed that checkboxes are not working, when you click nothing is selected.

Is anyone having the same problem? Thank you!

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Hi @Lucia_Araluce and thank you very much for taking time to report this!

We have recently received another report about this issue and our Development team is currently investigating this! I’ll be in touch as soon as I get un update about it!

Apologies for all the trouble!

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Hi there, I am also having this problem. Did notice that if you select the text and not the box it works…

It’s working correctly now :star_struck::star_struck:

Glad to hear that @Lucia_Araluce! :raised_hands:

@Healey, can you please confirm if it is working properly for you? Thank you and welcome to the Forum! :smiley: