Filters and saved standard-view of Boards doesn't work in Android App

I have quite an annoying problem: I have a sprint-list which I organized as a project with board view. I saved the filter for the board only showing incomplete task with the due date of today in the web-version of Asana as the standard view. This also replicated perfectly on the Android app. So everything was fine. A week ago I wanted to look something up on this list with a due date in the future, so I changed the filter in the board on my phone **(by the way… the filters on Android are very rudimentary and the “tomorrow” filter doesn’t even exist. I had to chose something like “next week”). Well after that the trouble began. Now the board completely ignores the web default view I saved, even after starting the Android App multiple times and re-saving the standard view on the web. The result is, that I now always see all the task in the future, which makes the sprint board on the phone useless.

Maybe someone experienced this too or there is an easy trick or work around, getting the standard views running on the phone again.

Thanks for your help :blush:

Hi @Philip_McCreight and thanks for the report!

I suspect this might have to do with your mobile app cache. Would you mind trying to re-install the app and let me know if the issue persists?

Looking forward to your reply!

Thanks, Marie. The workaround worked perfectly :smiley: But anyways it would be nice to have all the filter-features as on the web version of Asana. That the filters differ is a little bit confusing.

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