Feature Request: Providing More Access Rights

Dear Asana,

i know i wrote previous feedback but this is by far the most important one. the feedback is related to the user rights on tasks and projects. i was working with the newly introduced comment only projects features and found it very useful but still requires a lot of additional features. please find below some of my points, hoping you will take them into consideration since they drastically effect our decision in using the premium version.

i would like to have the following (for all users (i.e. comment only and users who can edit if applicable)

  • an option for the user who created the task to choose whether the assignee can delete the task or not
  • an option for the user who created the task to choose whether the assignee can edit the task title, description, and custom fields!
  • comment only tasks should have the option for the assignee to be able to add the task to a certain project of his own without affecting the flow of the task
  • teams public to the organization should be split to two: open teams (which are the currently public teams) and another type of public team that is exactly like the current one but the user cannot be a part of the team without sending a request (i.e. he can view the projects and everything but he doesn’t have the right to be part of the team without requesting)