External Guests updating their emails - is this a new guest?

Hi all, I have a question regarding guests.

When a guest changes their email address, for whater reason. does that person need to become a new user (new guest) or is there a way to add the new guest everywhere required? From an admin point of view.

I understand the guest can probably go to my task and add the new address as a collaborator then turn off all notification for the old email. But I am looking for an admin way of seamlessly do this for my user. Guests aren’t always loggin in to Asana and usually just reply to email notifications.

The more I think about it, the more I understand why this would not be possible.

Many thanks all

Hi @Jonathan_Stern

The best way to address this is to have the user update their account and add another email address.

There are 2 articles that you may find helpful:

  1. Working with Guests:
  1. Adding an email to your account

Checking out the continuation of the article on how to remove an email address. If the email is a domain based - then their full access to the workspace will be removed - this should not be the case for you as they are a guest… but have a look and hopefully this will help you a bit!



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