Exporting to Google calendar

Everything I’ve seen says that if I click to the right of the project I should get an option to export (ie to my google calendar) but the only options I have are add to favourites, duplicate, archive and delete. Why can’t I see export? Does anyone have this?

Can anyone suggest any other ways to get events/notifications/ deadlines from asana into my google calendar?

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When you click … option under your project you should use export/print option and then sync to calendar. Then you will see instructions and links to calendar api.

Thanks but I can’t see anything saying option under my project. I’ve just got the 3 dots but there’s no option to export or print.

Can you share a screenshot of the menu and around?

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You have to use three dots on top of your screen (right to project name).


Thank you. I’ll look when back on my laptop.

Is it possible to do this from phone /iPad?

I didn’t find this option under iphone.

Hi @Char and @Charlie_Pilch :wave:t3:

I can confirm the “Sync to calendar” option is not available via mobile!